Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Optical Illusion ??

Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a place where it never rained, it was always sunny and beautiful. That is where I would like to live. J
I woke up this morning and took a peak outside. It looked beautiful, so I thought to myself, “ Self, now is a perfect time to go outside and take some photos of your outfit.” . Well as you will see in these photos, it looks like the sun is blinding. Don’t let it fool you, just looming in the near distance is a huge, gargantuan rain cloud. So needless to  say I quickly took my pictures and by the time I made it inside the down poor started. But I don’t care, you ask why, well because I feel I look super cute today with my peachy top, feather necklace, cute shoes and jeans. Personally I think I can make the day shine in my outfit alone. (yes that was an attempt at humor, yes I know it sounded cheeses, I’ll try not to do that again). J

The little things::

The cut out part is a heart J

 All in all though, I hope everyone has a great day J

© Kiki's Corner:: Fun, Fashion and Frivolity


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